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How do I hide parts from showing on the ROs?

Q. Can I hide parts in the RO the way I used to be able to in MotorTraxx?


No. MaxxTraxx does not have the option the hide parts. You can, however, hide the part numbers. To do so click on Setups/Repair Order and Part Invoices/R/O Setup and check the box next to "Don't Print Part Number On RO"

Changing the Paid Date of an RO

Q. How can I move an invoice to a different reporting period?


The ticket would need to be reopened in order to make any changes. To do this, Click on the Money Bag above (cash drawer) then click the bottom left button (current cash drawer transactions). Find the payment and void it. This will put the RO back on the schedule. Last step is the change the status on the RO from Complete to anything else to be able to edit the RO.

Sublet Costing

Q. I stocked a Sublet but did not assign it to a Repair Order. Then added the Sublet to the Repair Order but it shows the Red Circle on it for short sale. Why?


Being that Sublets are not inventoried the way parts are, they are not tracked as having one in stock to sell or not. It is best to either add the Sublet to the Repair Order first then let it create the PO and Vendor Invoice. Or when stocking in a Vendor invoice, the Sublet needs to be assigned to the RO. If neither of these options happen, then the red circle will remain. However, it is simply a warning in order to keep your accounting correct by making sure cost is accounted for, so if you are sure the Sublet has been stocked and the correct cost is showing, the red circle can be bypassed.

Sublet Labor Problems

Q. Cannot add a sublet labor to an invoice?


To turn on Sublet Tracking, go to Setups, Repair Orders and Parts Invoices, RO Setup then check the circle towards the bottom of the screen under Sublet Status and Due Date/Time Tracking - set to Option or Required.

Reprinting Repair Orders

Q. Can I go back and reprint a bunch of invoices at one time or do I have to do them one at a time?


No, you will have to reprint each invoice one at a time. If you are looking for a list rather than actual invoice copies, you could print a Paid Repair Order and Part Invoice report which would give you the detail of each but not a reprint of each.